Day 12 – Visit relatives and Dinner Party October 8, 2011October 8, 2011 0 Comment TrevTrev The morning we where off visiting my uncle and auntie in Barrs Scrub. Then the afternoon, preparing for a dinner party with friends. Flo busy cooking Some video soon after I edit and upload.
Day 2 – Peterborough to BourkeDay 2 – Peterborough to Bourke Day 2 is going to be a big day of driving. We're booked into a motel in Bourke, New South Wales which is 1,116km from home in Adelaide or 900km{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
Day 1 – LogDay 1 – Log We headed off about 1:30 this afternoon after saying goodbye to Lynne and Annie. Wasn't a big drive but did hit a problem...{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
Day 14 – PlanDay 14 – Plan Today we’re going to look around Tamworth, Dubbo, Parkes and Forbes. We’ll see how far we get. Update: We didn’t make it to Forbes, as the telescope caught our attention.{...} READ MOREREAD MORE