A red moon occurs when the moon is full and the earth moves between the moon and the sun blocking the sun light from hitting the moon. We saw this{...}
New Zealand Auckland area New Zealand trip in April in an attempt to get away from a few challenges for a while and clear the head. Auckland many think is{...}
After watching some movies and having breakfast at the Parkes Radio Telescope Visitor Centre, we headed south towards Wagga Wagga. Today was a more relaxed drive with just under 300km’s.{...}
Today we’re going to look around Tamworth, Dubbo, Parkes and Forbes. We’ll see how far we get. Update: We didn’t make it to Forbes, as the telescope caught our attention.{...}
On our way home. We’re on our way fairly early this morning saying goodbye to Kev, Flo and the kids and hitting the road. We headed south on the M1{...}
The morning we where off visiting my uncle and auntie in Barrs Scrub. Then the afternoon, preparing for a dinner party with friends. Some video soon after I edit and{...}